saya tidak menyalahkan bagi siapapun yang mau bilang ini sampah, karena beginilah adanya. yang terpenting saya buang sampah pada tempatnya :)

The Day

someone said, "be brave".
someone said, "you have to be something".
someone said, "the real life is the time when you're married".
yeah, that's you, mom.

it's been a year exactly.
you know,
i never missed the day you went away.
i never missed every second you left me, us.
i never imagine, it really happened, nightmare.

i promise to treat you my first salary,
i promise you to be someone,
i promise you to be a good student.
you promise me to take care of my children while i go to work, someday...
hahaha, it's really nice of you, really :)

well, you left me at a middle of final test.
and this morning i will face the one of the final test.
before going on campus, i used to find you around the home,
to kiss your hand and ask your bless.
i find my socks, jacket, key, and go.

in this midnight,
i send you a lot of love and prayers.
i know it won't be comparable as what you give...

thank you, of let me be your daughter.

love, dhy

a year after Jan 16th, 2011

5 Responses so far.

  1. . . . .
    mom must be listening. have faith ndes :)

  2. nice.. tetep kasi seng paling apik dek dhy, pasti beliau merasakannya dari sana.. :)

  3. dhyanadhy says:

    teno : thankyouu

    pojokteknik : sip mas, makasih :)

  4. ricky says:

    merci a toi aussi, dhy :)

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